Our Story

Our Story
Team Generous is a creative collaborative annually donating animated films to NGO's to support their work for a better world. 12 professional filmmakers volunteer their time for 2 weeks to make these shorts. We've made films for Save the Children, Medics Without Borders, and World Wildlife Fund. Team Generous Canada made a short film in September, 2014, on Vancouver Island to support Habitat for Humanity. The short film premiered for World Habitat Day. We are committed to using our skills and expertise to 'make a film - make a difference' for a better world!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 5: Animation Tests and Starting Animatic

We're starting to see some major progress -- it's super exciting and encouraging! Team member Jericca Cleland has put together a rough animatic of the first half of our short film, the artists are working away at creating backgrounds and style design, and the animators are running tests and getting used to TVPaint Animation, which is the program we're using. 

If you haven't checked out our Facebook concept art albums, you can find the one with initial art here, and the one with current film art here.

A colour script, drawn by DJ Cleland-Hura, shows the colour scheme throughout the film as the mood and scenes change
A collection of watercolour textures and backgrounds by Clive Powsey
Sarah Clark layers images on TVPaint Animation 
A sample board provides reference for shells, driftwood, stones, and other natural items found at the beach
Team leader Jericca Cleland uses Final Cut Pro to create a rough animatic of the short film

Also, please keep an eye on our YouTube channel because we've uploaded some animation tests from our film and will be adding more shortly! The chronicled animations will show our progress and process and discovery of style!!

Thank you to the Creative Industries Council, based in North Vancouver Island, and Shelter Point Distillery for hosting our evening last night!  It was a lovely mixer for the Team to meet with local professionals in the digital media, entertainment, and technology sectors.

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