Our Story

Our Story
Team Generous is a creative collaborative annually donating animated films to NGO's to support their work for a better world. 12 professional filmmakers volunteer their time for 2 weeks to make these shorts. We've made films for Save the Children, Medics Without Borders, and World Wildlife Fund. Team Generous Canada made a short film in September, 2014, on Vancouver Island to support Habitat for Humanity. The short film premiered for World Habitat Day. We are committed to using our skills and expertise to 'make a film - make a difference' for a better world!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Clarifying candidates is something Habitat for Humanity specifically asked us to represent in our short film, because many potential candidates don't realize that they're just that -- people who would benefit from partnering with Habitat. We aim to show people exactly who Habitat helps and how through the key metaphor we identified in Day 3, and show it so clearly that people will realize, "That's me", or "I know that person, let me tell them about Habitat".

Remember to come back later today to read about what we did yesterday! Tomorrow, we will post another key message for you all to see.

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