Our Story

Our Story
Team Generous is a creative collaborative annually donating animated films to NGO's to support their work for a better world. 12 professional filmmakers volunteer their time for 2 weeks to make these shorts. We've made films for Save the Children, Medics Without Borders, and World Wildlife Fund. Team Generous Canada made a short film in September, 2014, on Vancouver Island to support Habitat for Humanity. The short film premiered for World Habitat Day. We are committed to using our skills and expertise to 'make a film - make a difference' for a better world!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 9: Production!

Yesterday was huge -- we started production!! Originally we were worried that we wouldn't have enough animators to complete the project in two weeks, but artists Laura Bifano and Tara Williamson have jumped to the task and are now animating like pros!

We also planned the workflow for this week so that everyone can just work without any bumps! It's really exciting to begin production after an entire week of preproduction!!

Below are some character designs (final!) and a version of Scene 010 (a work-in-progress!):

360˙ view of the mom character's head
Final coloured character design, painted by Skyler Punnett

Thank you so, SO much to Henry Lui at the Canton Restaurant for providing wonderful Chinese food for dinner last night!! It was super delicious and it satisfied that inner need. Please check the restaurant out!

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